There are different OJS forum posts that cover this, like Re: STEP BY STEP FOR USING CROSSREF. These posts did help me figure out most of the steps and code I have used. However, I still needed to figure out the right order for when you display a DOI and then when it should be activated (so it can be used as a link).
The order for setting up DOIs in OJS for a journal are:
- Apply to CrossRef and receive a DOI prefix
- Add this DOI prefix to the Journal Setup / Details page
- Enter/select and save your preferred DOI suffix
- Alter the metadata displayed on the Article record page. This should include the DOI you generated.
- Once the article is Published/Live/Public submit the metadata and DOI to CrossRef. Either use the CrossRef XML export plugin or submit to CrossRef manually via the form
- CrossRef will activate the DOIs, using your submitted metadata/DOI. (There may be a delay in the activation but the DOI can still be cited.)
More details for some of these steps and code
2. Adding and generating your DOI for each article
- Go to - User Home / Journal Manager / Journal Setup / 1. Details / 1.1 General Information / DOI Prefix. Enter the prefix here
- You can use the template structure with OJS or create a structure. (The DOI structure I suggested for each journal was concise and human readable.) CrossRef provides some guidance
4. Alter the metadata displayed on the Article record page (i.e. Journal Initials, Volume, Issue, Year)
- The OJS default does not display metadata that CrossRef requires, so you will need to change what is displayed for each article.
- OJS provides support to help you figure out how to create or change the code: OJS API Reference and go to the Class List
- Within the directory (file structure) for your journal go to: Templates / Article and open the article.tpl file (via an XML editor, but I found WordPad is enough to edit the file). I added this code under the Authors and above the Abstract. Edit or order this based on the needs of each journal.
<br />
<div><h4>{$journal->getLocalizedInitials()|escape}, Vol {$issue->getVolume()|escape}, No {$issue->getNumber()|escape} ({$issue->getYear()|escape}) </h4></div>
<div><a href="{$article->getStoredDOI()|escape}">{$article->getStoredDOI()|escape}</a></div>
<br />
- If you do not want to display the DOI as a link before it is activated when you first set this up use the code for the DOI without the link
<div>DOI: {$article->getStoredDOI()|escape}</div>
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