The Digital Services team are about creating digital connections between information and University of Otago students and staff. We work on projects like OUR Archive, online exhibitions, mobile library services and some other stuff that is currently top secret (but it will be good!).
Read about the team:
Jesse is a true, blue (Aussie!) computer geek :) We poached him and don't want to give him up. He does all the stuff that we are too afraid to tackle, like computer clouds. He understands all that command-line stuff (you know, that green coloured code on black background... like what you see in the Matrix movies). You could say that he is our IT warrior. He's also pretty handy in the graphic design department (that's what he did in a former life). Don't get any funny ideas about poaching him from us though (he really, really is that clever)… we would be gutted to lose our Jesse :)
Library Web Developer. Started out as a Librarian, saw the light and crossed over from the dark side. Keen on intuitive interfaces, and gets excited about all the stuff that the University of Otago has that could be digitised and shared with the world. Also likes linked open data and bike rides in forests.